There can only be one....
I am seeing how you feel bad when someone doesn't win.....
First, let me say...(queen of the dramatic pause)...this was totally random. I took everyone's name who posted (in the order they posted) and put the names on a slip of paper. Then mixed the papers up (upside down) and drew names at random and placed them in a list from 1-16 (sorry Anne and jewecoin you were after 12:00).

Then I went on and put the numbers into their random chooser (from 1-16). The number that came up was....(iPhone screen shot)

So, the winner is.....

Congratulations Amy! I wish I had necklaces for everyone! Mary said I should do give aways more often, so I'm thinking maybe I should! I kind of like it! Thanks everyone who participated and I am truly sorry everyone couldn't win! Keep reading, who knows what I will come up with next! God Bless all!
haha oh well! =)
I never win anything!
*does the happy dance*
Hahaha! Awesome! (She REALLY wanted it! LOL)
Congratulations Amy! Like your blog Pam.
Congratulations Amy! These are fun, Pam you should definitely do more :)
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