One night in December 1986, before I knew how to spell her name :-) she spoke in tongues at one of our home bible studies. The Lord blessed me with the gift of the interpretation and this was what it was....
"In the special hiding place you have provided for me-
My praises will raise, as a bird on the wind, unto your throne"

I do miss her or I miss knowing she is there to send a quick text to or receive a funny quote from.
What I enjoyed most about her was her desire to help others in need. She worked for many, many years at the Crossroads Pregnancy Center where she helped countless ladies over the years. She was just a good person. I don't believe I ever heard her say anything bad about anyone. I miss her deeply, but look forward to our reunion!
Her celebration of life service will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 10:00 AM at South Valley Community Church in Lemoore. In lieu of flowers, Kathy asked that donations be offered to the Crossroads Pregnancy Center 206 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford CA 93230.
Her Obituary is here.
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