Friday, January 26, 2007

Can you see the shine?

I have a tea cup collection. It was given to me when my Mom died. It was her collection then it became mine. I especially love the ones from other countries. She had several from friends that traveled to Europe. I have added some as well and whenever someone goes to another part of the world I ask "find me a cup and saucer from that country!" Here on this shelf there are many countries represented - Holland, Croatia, Ireland, Cuba, Greece, Germany, Peru, Australia, U.S.S.R., and China are on this shelf. In all I have close to 100 cups and saucers. Other countries I have are Africa, Honduras, Mexico, Israel, Italy, Japan, to name a few. I love the memories they give me. I remember my mom telling me about the "special" ones she had. When she died, I kept those ones she use to talk to me about. I gave the rest to my brother's wife. This shelf also has a representation of my mom's china. It is the second one on the left. It is a discontinued pattern called "Remembrance" by Noritake. (#5146) When my daughter was married I searched high and low for more of this pattern. I stumbled across the understanding that this was a pattern that was available only to the military through the PX. It is now long discontinued. I occasionally snatch up finds on eBay for my daughter. The one on the second shelf from the top, fourth one over was my grandma's dishes. All I had was the cup. You see, my grandma use to measure out flour with that cup. She would use it every day and make biscuits. My mom had the cup in her collection. When I inherited it I went on a search to find a matching saucer. I found it on eBay, of coarse, and in my quest I found out that these were give-a-ways in dish soap. How fun! My dishes are not as cute. I use Longaberger. I imagine some day they will land in my kids home. It is hard to throw away memories.
And when my daughter was going to have our first grandchild, guess how she told me? You guessed it, with a tea cup!

My mom seemed to enjoy the tea cups the best, but I am partial to the espresso cups. I still enjoy ones from the trips my loved ones take (and friends). It is so amazing how many different kinds of styles tea cups come in!

Today I am enjoying cleaning my collection. They will be shinny and gleaming in the light and I will remember the loved ones who blessed me with them!


Anonymous said...

I have a VERY SPECIAL espresso cup coming your way next week. =D
I don't even think you could get it on ebay. (wink, wink)
Not fair baiting you like this, huh?
I miss seeing you online!!!

Anonymous said...

Cracked myself up here:
When I saw this title I thought it said, "shrine." And I had to do a double-take. LOL =D