Thursday, February 15, 2007

"I had a farm in Cuba".......

I was blessed a couple of days ago to receive a priceless package! Above is the letter my friend Marti sent with the gift. Inside was a little espresso cup. Words can not express the wonder at the generosity of Marti's Mom, Luz. How could she part with such a wonderful thing? I have a cup and saucer collection, inherited from my own mom. I posted before about the collection. Most of them have a story attached. It has always amazed me how different each specimen can be and how wonderful! Now I have a cup from a farm in Cuba named Luzita! Words can't express my thankfulness.

Estimado Luz,
Recibí la taza del espresso que enviaste hoy, y me tocan profundamente a que enviaste algo tan preciosamente a ti. Me siento como si te conozca de hablar con Marti. Eres una mamá maravillosa. Estoy apesadumbrado que tuviste que salir de tu Cuba querida, pero si no fuiste, nunca habría satisfecho a tu hija y aprendido tu historia. Así pues, soy agredecido tú y tu familia está aquí en Los Estados Unidos.
Soy así que abrumado y agredecido para tu amor hacia mí. Recordaré que la historia Marti me dijo sobre tu granja y acariciar la taza del espresso siempre.
¡El Dios te bendice Luz!

Friends like you Marti are rare and wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cool are you? A cup from Cuba B.C. (before castro) Indeed a rare treasure.
I love that you & my mom share a collection. She thinks you're wonderful.
Oh... wait!
So do I. =D