12,410 days today Gene and I were married! Wow! 34 years! I have spent more of my life with Gene than without him! We've raised 2 great kids who are married too two 2 great spouses. We have 2 amazing Grand kids and are so thankful to the Lord for keeping us on the right foundation all of these years! As I was thinking about our anniversary, and wondering what I could do that would be special, the phone rang. On the other end was Gene's dad. He said they were having their 70th (makes 34 seem like nothing, but that's not important right now!) wedding anniversary and would we come to a dinner they were going to have celebrating this! Of coarse we said yes but it meant the plans we had were going to be put on hold. So, in a week we will go to San Bernardino to celebrate Gene and Mary's 70th wedding anniversary! We hope to do something fun for our 34th in the near future!

I had another couple get these silhouettes for me on their trip to Disneyland last year. They were so sweet to do it for me! Thanks so much Nick and Liz!
Back to my post. I rounded up a couple of photos that show how much I love my husband, hope you enjoy them!

A few years ago, while on one of our many Disneyland trips, we were stuck in the hotel because of rain. I took the opportunity to tell the Disneyland Hotel how much I love my husband. I often wonder when the window gets foggy, it was still there? I'm guessing it is gone now that they have refurbished the rooms. But I can still smile thinking another family, or couple saw this when they were stranded on a similar rainy day!
I wrote this on one of the white boards at church!
I had Disney put it in stone!
I asked my dear friends Rhett and Leigh to write this message in the sand on their vacation in Hawaii. It was taken at Ka'anapali Beach. Thanks guys!
I asked my BFF to write in the sand also! This was taken at Crescent Bay in Laguna! Thanks Marti!
I wish I had thought about that sooner....I wonder how many places and people I could have asked to do this! Well, you and many other people from Hanford to Anaheim and Laguna to Hawaii know that I love Gene P.!
What did I get him as a gift?
I had another couple get these silhouettes for me on their trip to Disneyland last year. They were so sweet to do it for me! Thanks so much Nick and Liz!
As you know, if you read my blog, I am a big Disneyland fan and I collect silhouettes from friends, family and other unusual topics. You can read about it here.
Happy Anniversary Gene P. and if everyone doesn't know by now! I love you!
(written in my Bible!)
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