I was cleaning out some files and came across this and remembered a funny story I just had to tell.
Several years ago I decided I'd like to earn some extra money by selling on eBay. I had a lot of fun going to garage sales and looking for that find that would make me rich! Around the same time my mom died and so I had a lot of her stuff I decided to sell. She had lots of jewelry and things she had bought from QVC and SHOP NBC. One of these things was a sterling silver replica of a ring owned by Marilyn Monroe. I decided this would be the perfect thing to sell on eBay. So I listed it and it sold.
The buyer promptly paid via money order (in those days...at the beginning of eBay, people didn't use paypal). In with the payment was this picture. I remember thinking..."that is weird....is the guy threatening me? Why is he smashing a watermelon...maybe he is trying to send me a sick message..."
I filed it away and sometime later I showed it to my son who said "Gallagher sent you a picture?" I said..."is he famous?" He proceeded to tell me about him and how he smashes watermelons in his comedy skit. All this time I thought he was trying to tell me something! And he was...it was Thank You!
It seems Disney/Pixar paid tribute to him near the end of the film Monsters Inc. Monster George Sanderson is seen walking to his door holding a hammer and a watermelon and humming to himself.
I wonder how many famous people we brush by going through our lives? Sorry for the bad thoughts, Ron.....I do appreciate the picture!
Haha! This is even funnier because Ron Gallagher is the real Gallagher's younger brother... who stole his comedy routine! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Gallagher#The_.22Gallagher_Too.22_controversy
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