As you can see at the right of my blog, our little Grandson was born about 2 weeks ago! After a touch and go labor, they decided to do a c-section due to a couple of complications. He swallowed the meconium and had the cord wrapped around his neck. Praise the Lord for modern day medicine. Just the wonder of what it would have been like even 100 years ago! We are all very thankful to the doctors and all other professionals at the Kaweah Delta Health Care!

We were so blessed to see him right after he was born. This is my favorite picture! Sometimes when I look at it, I can't believe my baby has a baby! This is the second time around for me and somehow it seems all new!

The day he was to come home CJ helped us decorate their home as a surprise! We had banners, balloons, toys. It was a gala scene!
I am reminded of the Bible verse-
"For Thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."-Psalm 139:13 & 14
God created this little life. We thought it could not happen because of health issues with his Mommy, yet here he is! His birth was very complicated and dangerous, yet here he is! God is so good.
While looking at him, I reflect on my life. I realize many things. First, my life is 3/4 over! I know that "life" is pointless if you do not know our savior! One day my life will be over and how comforting it is to know I will be in eternity with Jesus!
I also know that all the hard times and sacrifices were well worth the end result. I see my kids, both in wonderfully strong and encouraging marriages. Both with their own families. Both a blessing to many people. I realize at that moment, I had something to do with that! Kind of mind blowing. I know I could not have done it without the love of Jesus flowing through me. I am so thankful to Him for keeping all His promises to me. Seeing Baby Geno somehow brings all this up in my mind. I think sometimes people are so quick to coast or sail through life without the whole picture in mind. I guess I am trying to is here and now! One day (in what seems like a blink) you will be 3/4 over. It is wonderful to be at this point without regrets!
Years ago I received a letter from a person that chided me about not living "for me". She said something along the lines of "I see all you talk about is your kids and husband. What about you? What do you do?" I remember feeling the sting of those words. Like whatever I was doing was not important. Like all that mattered was how you could satisfy yourself. I remember writing back and saying "my family is my life". I remember feeling like such a looser! Like the 50's woman who made meals and washed cloths. I remember countless conversations along these lines "what do you do for a living" and I would say "I'm just a housewife". Thinking back, I should have been proud! I was doing the hardest job around! I was raising great kids! I mean, look at the world around us. Don't we all wish there were great kids out there for our kids to marry? (my kids did marry great kids!)
Well, not sure where all of that came from...years of pent up frustration at the world, I guess! Welcome to the world, Baby Geno! Welcome to our family! Thank you Lord!
One more thought to all of you who really cook meals....years after my kids were gone one of the kids who use to come over (ride share or something) made the comment to me, I remember your home always smelled great! He was always here when dinner was being cooked, waiting for a ride home. I remember that comment to this day! Something as small as having a real dinner each night is such a witness to others. Hope someone reading this is encouraged!
love you mom.
Great reflection, honey! Super encouraging. Our heritage is in those little ones. I remember you receiving that letter. I'm so glad you stayed the course God had you on.
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